Friday, January 7, 2011

Not a housewife?

I apologize for being MIA recently, but I honestly have a good reason - I got a job! I'm back working in higher education, helping at-risk students get through college. This is what I've done for many years so while it feels good to be back doing what I love to do, it's not exactly new and challenging. It does require me to get up at the crack of dawn, however, and since I'm not exactly a morning person, getting out of bed at 5:30am and managing to stay awake all day is a huge challenge.

This is why I haven't had much time to blog - not because I'm exhausted from my busy day at work, but because I feel like I need a nap from getting up so darn early. I figured I'd have a day or two of difficulty, but eventually I'd exhaust myself, fall asleep at a reasonable time, and get a decent night's sleep. Unfortunately, I get very anxious when I have to wake up early because I am convinced I'm going to sleep through my alarm clock or my alarm clock won't work or the power will go out and my clock will get shut off. Instead, I can't fall asleep at night and when I finally do, I wake up after an hour in a complete panic convinced I've overslept and am going to be late, thus beginning the vicious cycle all over again. I've had five nights of this and I'm exhausted.

Plus, people expect you to be happy and peppy and excited at work so I have to use whatever energy I can muster to smile broadly and enthusiastically tell everyone, "I LOVE sitting on the floor in the hallway for nine hours, hunched over my personal laptop, because I don't have an office or a desk or a work computer yet! Of course I don't mind! I'm flexible!"

Lying is exhausting.

Eventually I'll settle in and develop a routine that involves normal sleeping patterns so I'll have more energy to blog when I get home. Of course, I don't know if my blog really applies anymore since I'm not exactly a housewife, but let's just ignore that minor detail for now...

Happy New Year!


  1. Oh my god, you have no idea how excited I was to see a new post! I'm sorry you have had a rough week, but it seems like you are optimistic. So either you have gotten really good at lying, or you know things will get better soon. :)

    And didn't we have this conversation... you can still be a housewife even when you work, right?

  2. Yes!! you can still be a housewife even when you work. You just now have 2 jobs instead of 1!! I hope you get into your routine again! AND...are you waking up at 5:30 to get to work or are you waking up at 5:30 to exercise before work? just wondering... :) because it's me :) You were doing so well with your workouts I just want to make sure you are staying on track like a good little trainer (that's a million miles away :(

  3. hooray for Keels snowdays and for her blogs. I'm happy that you are working, although all that lying and flexibility does sound exhausting. I am also exhausted from being back at work, and my job isn't all that tiring either, but I think sitting in meetings and talking to people wears me out.

    And don't worry Jackie, I worked out this morning before work. :)
