Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Ode to Target

Did you know there are some towns that don't have a Target? Yeah, I don't want to live there either.

I'm not sure what it is about Target that I love. Maybe because it's clean. It's laid out well. I know where everything is. I don't question the quality of the products. I trust the Target brands of ArcherFarms, Market Pantry, and Up & Up. I don't have to get a salesperson so I can buy razor refill cartridges. There are plenty of checkout people. The list could go on and on.

I do remember when Toledo, Ohio built its first Target. I was in junior high. This was monumental in my family and we went there after church every Sunday. Okay, not every Sunday but it seemed that way. I don't know how we knew about Target and why were obsessed with the place - I think we had one where we lived before or there was one in Milwaukee near my extended family. Either way, we'd been exposed and we knew the beauty of Target before the rest of Toledo. Yeah, we were cool.

Then Target topped itself with the creation of Super Target. Oh Super Target. If I could put the movie spotlight with the choir of angles singing on this blog over the words "Super Target," I would. I love it that much. A Target AND a grocery store? And generally reasonably priced? What's not to love I ask you?

We had a Super Target when we lived in Davenport, Iowa. When we moved in, Super Target was the closest store. The fact that we could do ALL of our shopping there was just the icing on the cake. The downside of the Super Target was that I had no idea there was a whole other world with stores and parks and schools if I turned the other direction out of our neighborhood. But who needed those anyway? I had Super Target.

I live fairly close to a Target in Charlotte, but Walmart is walking distance so I find myself at Walmart far too often. It's just so easy to walk to Walmart to get sunscreen or toothpaste or a lawn chair whenever I feel like it. However, I don't linger at Walmart. I have in my head what I want, I find, I buy, I leave. I don't go to Walmart to browse. I usually check myself out because it's faster. Walmart is convenience and nothing else.

Target, on the other hand, is a compulsion. Today, for example, I wanted to see Toy Story 3. We have a movie theatre in walking distance (the same place as Walmart) and a movie theatre a few miles away, in the same place as Target. I went to the movie theatre a few miles away because I knew I could shop at Target after the movie. Did I need anything? No. Did I want anything? No. Neither of these stopped me from going, spending 90 minutes browsing around, and leaving with a shopping cart full of stuff and $150 charge on the Visa.

This is just one reason I love Target today:

Vitamin Water Zero, 10 for $10. My husband likes this as an alternative to soda. I could argue with him about what else he could drink instead, but it's not worth it. Our grocery store is running a 5 for $5 special (so the same), but only had 3 flavors. Target had 6. AND they had 4 packs of two of the flavors for $3.84 so it was LESS than the 10 for $10 deal. Score.

Oh Target, I don't knew where I would be without you. Don't ever change. Except maybe to a Super Target...

1 comment:

  1. I am "liking" this blog post. I feel the same way about Target. And I am also plagued by the convenience of a Walmart Supercenter. It is the closest real store to our house so I end up shopping there more often than I would like. But if only we had a Super Target... my life would be complete.
