Tuesday, August 3, 2010

My pet peeve

This morning I decided to do some writing at Panera. The Charlotte Paneras are participating in a new rewards program, My Panera. I had earned a free smoothie just for registering my card, so I decided today would be the day I would redeem my delicious treat. Plus, the Panera I went to has an abundance of outlets so it's a pretty good place to work when I have to be plugged in.

As someone who works from home, I appreciate coffee shops and restaurants that are "computer-friendly." That is, I appreciate those places that recognize there are people who frequent their businesses as a place to get food and drink, but also to get some work accomplished. I'm not a coffee drinker so I didn't frequent the coffee shops during my undergraduate and first two graduate school adventures, but I found it necessary to get out of the house to do work when I started my doctorate. Places like Panera and Starbucks became part of my regular "work" rotation. I gathered with research partners to discuss ideas and write papers, and I met friends to work side-by-side as we would grind through our respective projects. I had an office at school, but found it to be horrible for actually doing work because I was constantly interrupted by questions, especially as I became a senior member of the research team. Thus, the coffee shops became my second office. Now that I have no office alternative, I appreciate these places even more.

Because I use these places for work, I've become a bit of a snob when it comes to how other non-working people use these places. My experience today is an example of my pet-peeve: Non-computer people sitting at the outlet-accessible tables. If you're a non-computer person, you probably have no idea what I'm talking about and that's why I'm educating you today. Most coffee shops that offer Wi-Fi have a fair amount of outlets, especially if they've opened in the last few years. However, not all of the tables have access to outlets so the ones that do are in high demand. In fact, I used to carry a power strip with me so that more people could use the outlets near me. Therefore, nothing irritates me more than seeing a person without a computer sitting at a precious outlet-accessible table. I want that outlet, I NEED that outlet, and those people are just being selfish.

As I mentioned, the Panera I visited today has an outlet abundance so I generally can find one without any problems as I did today. I know every table that has an outlet so it's pretty easy for me to do a quick scan and settle in to my spot. I sat at a small table meant for two, but once I put a laptop on it, it became a table for one. Two booths were on the opposite wall, and both of the booths have outlets. They are premium spots for groups to work together, and my husband and I have claimed these booths many Sunday afternoons to crank through our work together. Because I've used them, I know their magical powers and thus I get very upset when I see people sitting at them who are not using the outlets, as I did today. Some woman sat in the booth, alone, and drank her coffee and read her book and never seemed to be aware that she was sitting at the magic table. She may have gleaned something from my dirty looks, but it was probably just that I was rude and not that she was wasting the special talents of the booth she was sitting in. Poor booth.

I understand that people like booths, and this Panera has many booths without outlets. In fact, it's just these two booths that have outlets and that's why I get so upset when they are in use by non-computer users. Go sit in one of the other booths! My anger isn't booth specific either. I hate when non-computer people sit at the two person table with the outlet when the same table next to it is just a little too far from the outlet to be usable for a computer person like me. I feel like those people are purposely taunting me.

So if you're ever at Panera or Starbucks or any place that people generally hang out and play on their laptops, do a quick check before you sit down and make sure you're not being an outlet hog. The Real Housewife of Charlotte, and the graduate students of the world, will thank you.

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