Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Nothing to say

I have sat down to write a post at least once a day over the last week, but haven't been able to formulate a complete idea. I contemplated writing a post full of the random things that pop into my head, but decided nobody needed to be exposed to the unedited ramblings of my brain. At least not yet.

Instead, I've been staring at my little box on Blogger, trying to figure out what to say. And I still have nothing much to write about, so I guess I'll just fill you in on what I've been doing over the last week.


That's not true actually. I've been very busy writing an article for publication, and my writer's block seems to be lifting. However, my interest in the topic I'm writing about is rapidly decreasing, so that has the potential to be a problem. At this point, I just want to finish it so I don't have to worry about it anymore.

I'm also applying for jobs. I think I sent out five resumes in the last week. I don't think I'm cut out for this housewife business, at least not long term. I've been at home for almost a year, and I think I'm reaching my limit. I can't say I'm more "housewifey" than I was a year ago except that I am actually in my house more than before we moved to Charlotte, and I don't think that really counts as a housewife activity.

I also watched Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince about sixteen times last week. It's in the HBO rotation, and I have 14 HBO channels so it's on television quite a bit. Most people would probably get sick of a movie if they saw it sixteen times in one week, but I still felt the need to watch it On Demand this afternoon. Nevermind that I also have it on DVD. And I decided to re-read the book. I believe that is what is known as hyperfocus.

If only my research or cleaning were as exciting to me as Harry Potter...

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