Thursday, September 9, 2010

So many things to write about...

... and not enough patience to do it. Here's a few random thoughts:

We've done quite a bit of traveling the last couple weekends- Columbus, OH and Raleigh, NC- and we have another trip coming up this weekend- Nantucket, MA. We visited my cousin and my friend respectively, but this weekend is another cousin's wedding. I'll also see my parents on this trip, so that's a nice benefit. I haven't seen them since Christmas... or maybe I have and I just don't remember.

I saw my first (live) MLS game - #1 Columbus Crew v FC Dallas - and my first (live) ACC soccer game - #3Wake Forest v. #1 Akron. I hate to admit it, but the college soccer game was so much better than the professional game. I don't mean that in terms of a preference for college sports over professional sports; I mean, I think the college players were more talented than the professional players and the game quality was that much higher. Granted, Akron is the #1 team, but I'd never pick #1 Alabama to beat the Superbowl Champion Saints in football, you know what I'm saying?

I don't understand why Southerners think their tailgates are so much better than Northern tailgates, or why Southerns think there's a difference between ACC and SEC tailgating. They're the same, except the food might be different. Might. I've certainly had pulled pork sandwiches at Northern tailgates, though I prefer brats and burgers for sure. I dunno, there's something about having the guts to stand outside in the freezing cold with nothing but a grill and alcohol to keep you warm that makes me think Northern tailgaters could kick some Southern tailgating butt.

The pool is officially closed for the season. This makes me very, very sad. However, I went to the pool the last day it was open and it was cold so I suppose it makes sense to close the pool. It doesn't have a heater, and overnight temperatures have gotten into the 60s so it definitely cools off overnight. However, it's still 90+ degrees during the day and a refreshing dip in the pool would be nice.

Our air conditioning broke. My northern friends turned off their air conditioning in the last week, but as I said, it's still 90+ degrees so we need our AC a few more weeks. We had a couple of miserable nights, but thankfully it got fixed this morning and I can sufficiently freeze myself tonight.

I voluntarily cleaned yesterday. I cleaned the bathtub, vacuumed, and washed the floor in the kitchen and bathrooms. And I cleaned the oven AGAIN. I have barely used the oven since the last time I cleaned it, but somehow it got disgusting again. I think it's a conspiracy of some sort. Today my back hurts. I blame the cleaning, especially the oven. However, I think it's a sign that I have earned a visit from a housekeeper.

Ahh. My brain feels less overwhelmed. Hopefully I didn't overwhelm yours with my randomness.

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