Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Clean all the things?

First off, I have to give major props to the amazingly talented Allie Brosh for the title of this blog. Do yourself a favor and become a follower of her blog, Hypberbole and a Half, immediately.

Now, onto the regularly scheduled blog.

Sometime last week, my oven started emitting a horrible, greasy, burning smell every time I turned it on, and the smoke burned my eyes when I opened the oven door. I'm not sure what exactly dripped onto the bottom of the oven that pushed it over the edge, but something did and therefore I was forced to clean the oven.

Perhaps I've been spoiled for the last 7 or so years that I've been a homeowner, but I always remember having a self-cleaning cycle on my oven. I enjoy that setting, and I enjoy it even more because my current oven does not have it. That means I actually had to buy oven cleaner, spray it all over the oven, and wipe all the grease off with a wet rag as opposed to turning on the self-cleaning cycle and wiping out the ashes was the cycle was done. See? It's a lot more work without the self-cleaning cycle.

Have I mentioned how much I hate cleaning? In case you haven't gotten that message, I HATE CLEANING. It's down at the bottom of my to-do list every day. I generally keep up with the every day stuff like cleaning the kitchen, and I clean the bathroom regularly, but I have to force myself to do everything else. When we lived in Michigan, we used a maid service from time to time because we were both so busy - these were the best days of my life.

I would love to hire a maid service again - maybe just once a month - but because I'm a housewife, I don't feel like I can. I'm sure my husband would be fine with it financially, but somehow if feels wrong to hire a maid when I am capable of cleaning and I have the time to clean. I hear the women at the pool talk about going home to fix dinner and vacuum and dust so I know this is what I'm supposed to do as a housewife. I shouldn't have to fight an internal battle to convince myself that getting rid of dirt is a good thing.

I guess this is one area of housewife life that I'm just not cut out for. Or maybe I'm just not cut out to be an adult.

(Again, thank you, Alli Brosh, for so accurately providing a window into my life in a much more humorous way than I ever could.)

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