Monday, April 11, 2011


I attend a Zumba class on Tuesday mornings at the Wisconsin Athletic Club in West Allis. It's awesome. Zumba itself is fun, especially if you like to dance (which I do), and especially if you like Latin dance (which I do). I'm not a good dancer by any means, but I do have rhythm, and I just love shaking my booty - literally! But what I like most about this class is the instructor, Karen. She is enthusiastic and energetic, and I can tell that she enjoys teaching. She's encouraging without being condescending or bitchy, which I've found is a rarity for aerobics instructors. She also makes me laugh during class, which naturally makes the class more fun.

As Karen says, "Smile! It burns more calories!"

1 comment:

  1. Yay Karen!! Can I tell her she made a blog? She'd be thrilled and honored I think :)
