Tuesday, October 19, 2010

"It's fun being married to me. I've decided."

I've known my husband for fourteen years, and we've been married for eight. We've experienced a lot during these years together, but the one constant amidst all the chaos in our lives has been laughter.

We laugh a lot.

We have serious moments of course, and we have a lot of moments where neither of us wants to talk to the other - not out of anger, but out of a need for quiet. But in between those moments, we're laughing.

My husband is incredibly funny, but also sees humor in a lot of situations. When he starts laughing, and I mean really laughing, it's impossible not to laugh with him. His laugh is loud - or boisterous as he prefers - and absolutely contagious. Movies are funnier, television is funnier, and life is funnier when he's around.

We make each other laugh too. My mere existence is funny to him at times - the way I sleep, how I brush my teeth, my facial expressions, etc. have all cracked him up at some point. Like I said, he sees humor in a lot of situations. But we also giggle through stupid conversations and jokes and teasing. I think it's because, after fourteen years, we know each other so well that we instinctively know what will amuse each other, and can instantly engage each other in a conversation that will lead to laughter. These conversations are rarely anything that another person would find funny, but they always remind me how lucky I am to be married to someone who can make me laugh.

We've dealt with some very stressful situations over the last couple of years, and I know I haven't always handled things in the best way. However, I know that our ability to laugh through the tears and joke through the pain is the reason our relationship has gotten stronger despite the adversity. Because really, laughter is the best medicine.