Thursday, November 18, 2010

Trading Spaces

Do you remember this show on TLC? I recently discovered re-runs on one of the random UVerse channels I have, and I've started watching it again. I used to watch it religiously. In fact, TLC was my Bravo before Bravo existed. I always got tons of ideas from the show about how to decorate on a budget. I learned a lot about creating my own artwork and revamping furniture to be used in new ways, and applied a lot of those ideas to my first house. I learned to embrace color and that walls can always be re-painted if necessary.

TLC and HGTV focused heavily on these types of decorating shows for a while, but then these shows disappeared and were replaced with real estate shows. Of course, TLC now features shows on "unusual" families, and after watching what is happening to the Gosselin children, I'm now longing for the days of Trading Spaces and While You Were Out.

I'm sure there are many, many reasons why Trading Spaces went off the air, but I personally believe that the primary reason is that the show started focusing on creating drama and controversy and stopped focusing on design. Sure, every Trading Spaces fan remembers the "crying Pam" episode or "I hate brown Jessie," but what made those episodes memorable was the reaction of the participants to decent-looking room makeovers. Unfortunately, the ratings from these episodes made the producers think "If we can get more people to hate their rooms, we can have even BIGGER ratings!" Designs like "White, Whoa" (a room done entirely in white) or a room inspired by an egg (black walls, yellow dining room furniture) become the norm. And then people like me, who are looking for ideas to incorporate into my own home, turn off the television.

The demise of Trading Spaces represents what I hate most about reality television. I hate the drama, but I really hate when situations are manipulated for the sake of creating drama. I feel uncomfortable and then I change the channel. I know a lot of people love all the juicy conflicts shown on reality television, but I think those shows become predictable and boring after a while.

Don't get me wrong, I like to watch reality television, but I'm becoming turned off by the cattiness and overall bad behavior. I'm concerned that so many shows glorify and reward people who have no real talent (or intelligence), and in many cases, engage in manipulative, abusive, and destructive behavior. I miss the days when the only reality drama was whether to take down a ceiling fan.

1 comment:

  1. I agree! I mean I still watch every train wreck that starts with "Real Housewives of..." but still!

    And I loved Trading Spaces! They filmed in my store once (bought handmade paper and did a wall treatment with it) and we were SO excited! They literally called like an hour before they came down to film!
