Thursday, November 11, 2010

What I'm reading

I love to read. When I read for fun, I generally read brainless, entertaining, popular books. I'm sure I would enjoy other things, but when I'm strolling through Borders and scrolling through the Kindle store, the books that jump out at me are the ones I call "airplane books." Airplane books are the kind of books that I can read for extended periods of time, but that don't require a great deal of concentration or attention. To give you an example, my default authors in this category are John Grisham and Nicholas Sparks. They both released books recently and I have them ready for the Christmas traveling!

I do sometimes read books with more ... substance, however. Most recently, I read The Lonely Polygamist by Brady Udall. It was a quick read, despite weighing in at 600+ pages, and was both light-hearted and serious. The story is told from multiple perspectives, namely the patriarch of the multiple families, the youngest and newest wife, and one of the children, and the shifting perspective keeps the writing and the story fresh. Underneath the four wives and twenty-some children, there's a typical family with typical family problems and that makes the characters and the stories real.

Other reviews describe the characters and the plot and all its literary merits, but I'll just say it meets my criteria for fun reading: Easy to read, engaging, good story and plot, and interesting characters. I recommend it - Put it in your book list queue and read it when you have a chance!

1 comment:

  1. Darn it - a day too old on this post! I could have used this while traveling this weekend!
