Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Christmas Gift Idea 3: For "The Office" Fan

When you hear words "stapler" and "jello," what do you think of? Maybe Jim Halpert, Dwight Shrute, or The Office. I think Christmas present!

How I did it:
I started with gel candle wax, yellow food coloring, a glass jar (mine had a lid but it doesn't need one), and a mini stapler. I followed the directions on the package for melting the gel and added the food coloring while it melted. (Fragrance can also be added to the gel.) I poured a little of the melted gel into the jar, put the stapler in, and slowly poured the rest of the gel into the jar. The stapler was big and heavy enough that I didn't have to secure it in place while I was filling the jar. Let the jar cool completely. TA-DA!

By using the mini stapler and gel wax, it's small and non-perishable so it can easily decorate a desk which was my intention. I made this for my sister, who also watched The Office, so she could put this on her desk at work. I knew she and her co-workers often talked about the show, and I thought they would get a few laughs from it too!

This may have been one of my favorite gifts ever. It was obviously very easy, but just the idea of it made me laugh. I mean really, how stupid is this? (And by stupid, I mean awesome.) I had so much fun making it and was very excited to give it to my sister on Christmas.

1 comment:

  1. BEST GIFT EVER. Thank you, I have always been your biggest flan. :)
