Saturday, December 4, 2010

Birthday nap

Today is my husband's birthday. He generally doesn't get excited about his birthday, though I'm not exactly sure why. For weeks I asked him what he wanted to do for his birthday, made several suggestions that were rejected, until last night I finally got his list of things he wanted to do.

1. Work out
2. Play "my game" (that's his PS3 FIFA 2010 video game)
3. Watch Arsenal (soccer) game
4. Watch or listen to the Marquette basketball game
5. Take a nap
6. Have Maggiano's lasagna for dinner

He finished the first four, is now in the midst of number five, and we have a reservation for Maggiano's at seven tonight. As an added bonus, I made him french toast with cinnamon chip bread topped with blueberries for breakfast, so he thinks this may be the best birthday ever.

Everything I suggested to him was much more extravagent, but in the end, all he wanted to do was relax. Sometimes I forget that as much as I need to be stimulated after doing very little during the week, my husband needs to withdraw and relax after hours of constant stimulation at work. Even though I feel like I should be doing more to celebrate how awesome he is, he wants to spend the day doing the things he enjoys - watching sports, playing video games, eating good food.

Happy Birthday, Hubby! I hope you get all you asked for, and more!


  1. Sounds like my husband! Every year I try to suggest getting a bunch of his friends together or doing something exciting or doing something special for dinner and we usually end up getting and carving pumpkins (since his birthday is right before Halloween) and eating a braid for dinner. :)

  2. and I ignore every thing my hubby says and throw him a big old bday party just to celebrate HIM!! focus on just him (he hates that!!!) but only this year. I am sure he will thank me later! (or I wouldn't do it!)
