Monday, December 6, 2010

Damn you, Trader Joe's

Remember when I decided to just say no to Trader Joe's? Yeah. I can't anymore. They win.

The apple cider was addictive and I'm pretty sure they put some sort of drug in it to keep me coming back. But the apple cider is gone now, and I thought I was free from Trader Joe's hook. Wrong. They have a new cider - pear with cinnamon - that is also quite good. It's not quite as good as the apple cider, but it's still festive and delicious, especially when warmed. But this has moved far beyond frivolous cider, into world of real life needs.


Have you ever bought saffron? I haven't, and it's because it costs $17. I'm not exaggerating. I don't care if a little goes a long way, that's a ridiculous price to pay for a little spice that turns food yellow. Unfortunately, it's also a key ingredient in Spanish cooking. Ever since we returned from our trip to Spain, my husband has been asking me to make paella. I told him I would, with the caveat that I was sure it would never taste anything like what we ate in Spain and that would have to be okay. It was okay, and every now and then he asks when I'm going to make it. My one hesitation was the cost of that darn saffron.

Last week, Real Madrid and FC Barcelona played against each other. Oh wait, I should translate that: A soccer team from Madrid and a soccer team from Barcelona played against each other. These are the two  best professional soccer teams in Spain, and probably two of the best professional soccer teams in the world. They also happen to be the two teams we saw play (not against each other) when we were in Spain, so watching them play against each other brought up a lot of memories from our Spain trip. And inevitably, paella came up again. Thankfully, I was sick last week so I didn't have to make it. I really did not want to pay $17 for a stupid spice.

Enter Trader Joe's.

I went to Great Harvest to pick up bread for my husband's birthday french toast, and I picked up a couple of other remaining ingredients at the Trader Joe's next door. While I was there, I looked at the spices because I was running low on a few things and they usually have good prices on spices. And there it was, in all its flowering glory - saffron for $5.99.

I knew at that moment that I could no longer be mad at Trader Joe's for making me spend money on things I don't need. Don't get me wrong, they still have plenty of that, but they also had the one thing I did need at a much lower price than I had ever seen, and I knew it would make my husband so happy to finally have his paella.

Damn you, Trader Joe's!!!

I kid. You win.

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