Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I sick.

I'm sick. I just have a cold, but it's the kind that is not yet a full-blown cold and is currently concentrated in my sinuses, leaving me with a painful sinus headache. I hate sinus headaches.

I was a firm believer in Airborne, but they've changed the formula and now it doesn't work for me to stop colds. I still use it before I go on airplanes, especially this time of year, but it doesn't have the same effect when I'm on the ground. Zicam and Cold-eze don't work for me either. And Sudafed and those types of drugs seem to prolong my colds so I try not to use them if I can help it. Instead, I suffer. And by suffer, I mean whine and let everyone around me know that I'm sick.

I'm siiiiiiick.

Will someone make me chicken noodle soup, pleeeeeeeease?

Because I'm siiiiiiiick.

Ok, time to get on with my day. It's just a cold afterall.

1 comment:

  1. Oh no!! Get better immediately!! Chicken soup and orange juice and lots and lots of rest.
